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Case studies
You Have A Choice

Does A Part of Your Life Seem Out of Order?

We understand that sometimes, things may not exactly go the way we planned them but then if you’re often dealing with crisis in your finances, marriage, ministry, family, health, business, academics etc., then you really need a change. And this book would show you how to make that change.


Discover how to harness the power of your imagination.


Learn how to apply scriptures to everyday life’s challenges.


Practice nurturing your positive desires to create a change.

Find out

Find out how to grow your dreams and how to create with your words.

About The Book

Recreating your world

If your world or sphere of contact does not please you, or if you don’t like the way things are around you, YOU CAN CHANGE IT!
Nobody but you can change it. It is so very vital for you to know that you have a choice in life. You don’t have to stay with the status quo. The truth is, you are either changing the circumstances of your life and your world or your world is changing you! Do you want to achieve your goals? What is that thing you are praying about?

Don’t wander around looking for someone to tell you what to do and how to do it. You can recreate the circumstances of your life and change them to suit you.

This book contains principles on how you can recreate your world. Study and practice them because God’s word can produce what it talks about. YOU can recreate your world.
